11055 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.


September 7, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

Week of September 7, 2020
Alta High School
Soar to a New ALTAtude
We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.

  • COVID-19 Updates – Please view the COVID-19 updates for the Alta High Community on page 4 of this newsletter each week.
  • Makeup Picture Days – Makeup pictures will take place tomorrow and Wednesday. Any student is welcome to come to the Alta library from 7am to 9am for pictures. Throughout the school day, students with last names A-K will complete makeup pictures on September 8th, and students with last names L-Z will do so on September 9th. Additional makeup pictures days are also scheduled for later in September, as well as in October.
  • Creating a Parent Canvas Account – Whether your student is attending school in person on online, a lot is happening on Canvas this school year.
  • Please view the pages 5 and 6 for instructions on how to become an observer in your student’s courses. This will allow you to view what information is being shared with your student, what assignments they need to complete and what work they may be missing.
  • Dress Code Policy – As parents, we ask that you please help to ensure that your student is adhering to the Canyons District board approved dress code policy. A full explanation of this policy can be found on pages 23-24 of the Canyons District Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process Policy.
  • Alta Hawkeye – The first set of news stories have been posted to the Alta Hawkeye website! Read about new teachers, masks, hello video, and more.
  • Math Tutoring – Please view the schedule on page 7 for math tutoring opportunities for your student.
  • Work-Based Learning Opportunities – Please view the flyers on pages 8 and 9 for some exciting opportunities for your students to learn more about potential future careers. The U of U Future Doctors program will host monthly events to give students a bird’s eye view of the medical profession. The Utah Center for Legal Inclusion will host weekly Wednesday Webinars to help students explore different aspects of the law and legal careers.
  • Parking – There are still several parking spots open in the student parking areas on the west side of Alta High. Students can purchase a parking pass for $10 in the Main Office. As per Sandy City ordinance, students cannot park on the neighboring streets surrounding the school, especially if they are blocking driveways, mailboxes and garbage pickup areas. Students who do so may be ticketed or towed.
  • Checking Your Student Out Early – If you need to check your student out from school early, please call the Attendance Office at 801-826-5610 as early in the day as possible to ensure that this information can be communicated accurately. Please understand that there are some classes during which we cannot reach your student, such as those which are held in the gym or the new Performing Arts Center.
  • Driving Range Schedule – Alta will be running the Driving range Monday-Friday from 3:00PM until 7:00PM for the first 7 weeks of each quarter, as well as on Saturday mornings. For us to do that safely, we will need all cars moved from the parking lot south of the tennis courts by 3:00PM. If you need to stay on campus, you are welcome to move to the parking lot north of the tennis courts. We will be towing cars at the owner’s expense if they are left on the range. Please talk with your student and let them know of the consequences of leaving cars on the range.
  • Emergency Substitutes Wanted! –Please consider signing up to be an emergency substitute! Candidates will need to apply by going to the Emergency Substitute website, then going into the Canyons Human Resources Department to do paperwork before substituting at Alta.
  • NHS – National Honor Society is an academic service organization which focuses on promoting and rewarding character, service, leadership and scholarship. Students interested in joining should see the flyer below and apply before September 18th.
  • Purchase Alta Masks – Alta Masks are on sale now at Your Masks Now. Use discount code “AHS” and it will take $2.00 off the price!

You can now follow us on Instagram under the nametag alta.hawks!
**For more information or to see photos of events, please visit the Alta High Website or follow the Alta Facebook Page.**