11055 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.


Daily Announcements

January 23, 2025

  • Graduation Announcements: Seniors! This one is for YOU! If you paid for graduation announcements, but you have not picked them up… Your Announcements are available for you in the Main Office. Please stop by as soon as you can to pick up your Graduation Announcements.
  • Esports Tryouts: Alta Esports’ Spring Season is fast approaching. We will be hosting tryouts next week, starting with a tryout meeting on Monday January 27th. This meeting will be at 3 pm in Mr. Edwards’ room 1940. Games this season include Valorant, Super Smash Bros, Mariokart, Marvel Rivals, and more. If you are interested, speak with Mr. Edwards or Mr. Barrett for more information. 
  • Boys Tennis Parent Meeting: Are you interested in trying out for boys tennis? There will be a required parent tryout meeting Thursday, January 23rd at 5:30 in the media center for anyone planning on trying out for the team. Contact Coach DeBry or sign up for the Boys Tennis Parent Square group for additional information.
  • Boy’s Volleyball: Boy’s Volleyball season is fast approaching. An information table is set up during both lunches today. There is also a QR code posted around school that you can scan to sign up.
  • ACT Prep Seminar: Attention Juniors ! Sycamore Learning will be conducting an ACT Prep Seminar at Alta on Saturday, March 1st. Information about the seminar and how to register can be found in the Student Services office. Have a great day!
  • Art Club: Art your engines! Art club will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 28th in Mr. McGee’s room. Be there for an arty-fun time!
  • 2025 Dance Classes: Sign up for Dance Classes! They’re a great way to make new friends, get out of your desk during the day, and can earn you an arts or PE elective credit!
  • Medieval Club: Next week in medieval club, we are sculpting sugar-dough! Come to room 1911 after school on Tuesday, January 21, and partake in medieval cooking!
  • Job Shadow Day is January 28th. Spend the morning at a local business and then attend a networking Luncheon. Many career options to choose from. Scan the QR Code on the Flyer in the Commons or see Janet Jefferson in room 2117 to sign-up.
  • World Sports Dance: Hey Hawks! We will end multicultural week with the MC World Sports Dance on January 25th! Come dressed as your favorite athlete, in your favorite jersey, or as your favorite sport. Boys be sure to ask!