We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students
as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
√ Positive Behavior & Celebrations: We can still hardly believe that the final weeks of the school year are quickly rolling by. A few highlights from the past week: A big congratulations to our Boys’ Varsity Soccer Team for winning the Region 8 title outright against a very tough Lehi team last Friday. The playoffs and state tournaments are coming for all of our spring sports beginning this week Good luck to all of our athletes! We also congratulate those seniors who will be recognized for their academic achievement at the Principal’s Reception Monday evening in the PAC. We likewise congratulate our Theatre Tech students for winning “Best Tech in State” at the High School Musical Awards this past weekend!
√ Senior Dinner Dance 2022 is on May 19th: The theme for this year’s dinner dance, to which all seniors are invited is, “When Can I See You Again”. The event will be held at the Loveland Aquarium from 6:30-10:30 p.m. Dress is semi-formal. Tickets are $35 each and include entry to the aquarium, the dinner, and the dance. Note that tickets are pre-purchase ONLY and must be purchased by: Tuesday, May 10th at 6:00 p.m.
√ Yearbook Day is Tuesday, May 24th, just 2 weeks away! To avoid a long line to purchase a book that day, you can pre- purchase your book before Friday, May 13th. You may do one of the following. 1. Bring or mail a check for $58 to the school’s Main Office. 2. Purchase a book through Skyward. Go to fee management / make payment / optional fees. Click on yearbook. Please note, we have ordered a small quantity of extra books for sale on yearbook day, but I wouldn’t wait. NOW is the time to purchase your yearbook. Quantities are limited. NOTE: If you don’t know if you ordered a yearbook, have your student check the list posted in the main office. You can also check your Skyward account for receipt of payment.
√ Student-directed One-Act Plays are on Wednesday, May 11th in the PAC. Senior students have directed 10 minute pieces with underclassmen actors and it’s a lot of fun! Tickets are on sale for $5 in the main office or at the door.
√ Teacher Appreciation Week Continues: We thank our PTSA for sponsoring our Teacher Appreciation activities this week with the theme, “You’re Out of this World!” We think our teachers are out of this world too, and we want to thank teachers for their efforts to serve our students and our school community this school year!
√ The annual Pepperwood Grad Party will be held May 25th, from 9:00PM -2:00AM at the Pepperwood Park. Tickets will be sold in the Commons during lunch on the following days: Thursday, May 19th, Friday, May 20th, & Monday, May 23rd.” Prices are: $15 for all seniors purchased in advance. $25 for all other grades purchased in advance. $35 after May 23rd. If you would like to be a parent volunteer the night of the party, please contact Laurie Cole: Laurieacole@gmail.com, or Melissa Fabrizio: melissa70@mac.com.
√ AP Testing 2022: AP Students and Parents, please refer to the AP schedule included in this newsletter to make sure you know the date, time and location for any AP exam(s) you are taking this year. Please also take note of the items to bring and not bring. Students will need to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the exam start time to get checked in and find their assigned seat. They will be excused from any class time they miss due to testing. If you have any questions, please contact Alta’s AP Coordinator, Shannon Kershaw at shannon.kershaw@canyonsdistrict.org.”
√ Attention Seniors! Per state law, in order to graduate, all seniors must take and pass a basic Civics Test. If you have not taken, or did not pass this test, you should have received two emails through your school email giving you instructions on how to take this test through your canvas account. Please complete the test by Wednesday, May 18th.Contact Karen Brown in the Counseling Center if you have any questions. 801-826-5631. Karen.brown@canyonsdistrict.org
√ Our Graduation Letter with updated info for parents/guardians of seniors is posted in the ‘FLYERS’ section below. Graduation will be on May 25th at the University of Utah at 10:00 a.m.!
√ PTSA Info: Our Alta Hawk PTSA fundraiser is still happening! We are down to less than 100 blankets and will not be selling them again. So, get them while you can! Flyer Red and Black Sale links: https://checkout.square.site/buy/3O7LDYGCIA2F2LCGSAK35KYX https://checkout.square.site/buy/2TCJHU3FAYHL4ZYE7I2ZMXFY
√ Our last PTSA meeting and Volunteer Thank You reception will be held on May 18th at 10:15 am in the Alumni Room.
√ Jr. Women in Business Scholarship Program: The South Valley Chamber of Commerce is now accepting applications for the 2022/2023 school year Jr. WIB Scholarship Program. Current juniors may apply to participate in the program next year, as a senior. A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to female high school seniors at each high school within Canyons School District. Application deadline is May 13th.
Keep up with all that is happening at Alta High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@alta.hawks) and frequently check the Hawkeye Online Newspaper for updated stories!