We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students
as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
- Positive Behavior & Celebrations: We want to first congratulate our Girls’ Golf Team who earned a 2nd place finish in the 5A State Tournament last week! Track and field athletes are preparing for their state tournament this week, and lacrosse, soccer, tennis, and softball are gearing up for their playoff runs as well. We remind everyone about our choir and instrumental concerts this week and invite all to attend. Congratulations, also on our woodworking whizzes who demonstrated their prowess at the state-wide woodworking show this past weekend.
- Senior Dinner Dance 2022 is on May 20th (note the change in date!). The theme for this year’s dinner dance is, “When Can I See You Again”. The event will be held at the Loveland Aquarium from 6:30-10:30 p.m. Dress is semi-formal. Tickets are $35 each and include entry to the aquarium, the dinner, and the dance. Note that tickets are pre-purchase ONLY. For questions, see Shaley Louder.
- Yearbook Day is Tuesday, May 24th, just 1 week away! To avoid a long line to purchase a book that day, you can pre-purchase your book before Friday, May 13th. You may do one of the following. 1. Bring or mail a check for $58 to the school’s Main Office. 2. Purchase a book through Skyward. Go to fee management / make payment / optional fees. Click on yearbook. Please note, we have ordered a small quantity of extra books for sale on yearbook day, but I wouldn’t wait. NOW is the time to purchase your yearbook. Quantities are limited. NOTE: If you don’t know if you ordered a yearbook, have your student check the list posted in the main office. You can also check your Skyward account for receipt of payment.
- UPDATED Graduation Info is included below. Please read this info prior to May 25th so that you and your graduate can have a memorable experience at graduation. We want to be good guests of the Huntsman Center and your compliance with these guidelines is greatly appreciated. Graduation will be next week on May 25th at the University of Utah at 10:00 a.m.
- This week students will return textbooks and library books, and seniors will return their Chromebooks. Students currently in grades 9-11 should plan on keeping their Chromebook over the summer. If you know you will not be returning to Alta, or would not like to keep your Chromebook over the summer, please plan on returning it by May 20th.
- May 17 & 18—Textbook Return during classes.
- May 19 & 20—Senior Chromebook Return
- May 20—Fines for Unreturned Items Uploaded to Skyward
- The annual Pepperwood Grad Party will be held May 25th, from 9:00PM -2:00AM at the Pepperwood Park. Tickets will be sold in the Commons during lunch on the following days: Thursday, May 19th, Friday, May 20th, & Monday, May 23rd.” Prices are: $15 for all seniors purchased in advance. $25 for all other grades purchased in advance. $35 after May 23rd. If you would like to be a parent volunteer the night of the party, please contact Laurie Cole: Laurieacole@gmail.com, or Melissa Fabrizio: melissa70@mac.com.
- Lost & Found: Our lost and found items will be cleaned out and picked up for donation at the end of next week. Should your student wish to locate any lost items, please visit the Attendance Office by May 27th.
- Attention Seniors! Per state law, in order to graduate, all seniors must take and pass a basic Civics Test. If you have not taken, or did not pass this test, you should have received two emails through your school email giving you instructions on how to take this test through your canvas account. Please complete the test by Wednesday, May 18th.Contact Karen Brown in the Counseling Center if you have any questions. 801-826-5631. Karen.brown@canyonsdistrict.org
- PTSA Info: Our Alta Hawk PTSA fundraiser is still happening! We are down to less than 100 blankets and will not be selling them again. So, get them while you can! Flyer Red and Black Sale links: https://checkout.square.site/buy/3O7LDYGCIA2F2LCGSAK35KYX https://checkout.square.site/buy/2TCJHU3FAYHL4ZYE7I2ZMXFY
- Our last PTSA meeting and Volunteer Thank You reception will be held on May 18th at 10:15 am in the Alumni Room.
Keep up with all that is happening at Alta High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@alta.hawks) and frequently check the Hawkeye Online Newspaper for updated stories!