11055 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.


January 11, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

Alta High School
Soar to a New ALTAtude
We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.

  • Finishing Strong in 2nd Quarter – With all the change we have experienced throughout this school year, we know that many of our students are concerned about their learning and grades. We want to make sure our students have the opportunity to recover the learning of key concepts so that they can move forward into 3rd quarter with the skills and confidence they need to be successful. Please view page 5 for a summary of how students can recover their possibly lost learning, raise their grade and start 3rd quarter strong for each of their classes.
  • Step2theU Applications – It is time for Alta’s 11th Grade students to consider applying for the Step2theU program! This prestigious program is unique to Alta and allows participating students the ability to earn 30 semester university credits and save up to $20,000 in college tuition fees. Applications are due February 1st at 3:00pm. No late applications will be accepted. For more information, visit the Alta Step2theU webpage.
  • COVID-19 Testing for Extracurricular Activities – In line with new state requirements, Alta High will begin administering rapid COVID-19 testing to all students and employees involved in Utah High School Activities Association-sanctioned activities, including sports and performing art programs. Please see page 2 for a schedule of the programs who will test this week. For more information, please visit the CSD COVID-19 Information webpage.
  • Do you want to be a Nurse? Come Explore the World of Nursing Wednesday, January 13th at a Lunch and Learn Webinar. Pizza will be provided. See Janet Jefferson in room 2117 or follow this link for more information and to sign-up!
  • Alta Softball – Girls interested in trying out for softball in March, make sure to follow @altahighsoftball on Instagram or go to altahighsoftball.weebly.com for information on open fields, biweekly COVID testing, and tryouts. See Coach Campbell in room 2114 with questions.
  • Alta Baseball – If you are interested in playing baseball at Alta this spring, open gyms are happening Monday through Thursday from now until tryouts on March 1st. For the schedule and more information visit our baseball website or see Coach Connelly in Room 1943!
  • Do you want to wear a piece of Alta history? The Hawks baseball program is selling authentic, Alta game-worn baseball jerseys for $10 each. You’ll pay for it in the main office and then bring your receipt to Coach Connelly in room 1943 to pick out your jersey. Alta Baseball hats are also available for $25 each. For more information visit www.altahawksbaseball.com or drop by room 1943 to see what’s available.
  • Alta Football – Anyone interested in playing football in the fall should see Coach Te’o in the Alta Weight Room as soon as possible.
  • Girls Golf – Those interested in trying out for girls golf: There is an opportunity to practice at Top Golf on Tuesday 1/19, Monday 1/25, Monday 2/1 and 2/8, Tuesday 2/16 and Monday 2/22 from 3-5pm. If you have any questions contact Karen Jack at karbear5@hotmail.com.
  • CTEC Open Enrollment is now open. Learn more about the fantastic Canyons Technical Education Center (CTEC) programs on the CTEC website.
  • Yearbook Senior Ads – If you would like to submit a senior tribute for your senior, please go to www.jostensadservice.com and follow the steps below on page 6. Also see pages 6 and 7 for details and samples.
  • Hawkeye – Check out the student news site for the week. Stories are published weekly. Go to altahawkeye.org.
  • Seal of Biliteracy – Juniors and Seniors who speak English and at least one other language should consider applying for the Seal of Biliteracy. This distinguished honor is awarded to students who demonstrate proficiency in English and at least one other World Language before high school graduation. Visit the Canyon District Seal of Biliteracy website to learn more and apply by January 22nd.
  • Math Tutoring – Both in person and virtual math tutoring is available Monday-Thursday. Please see the Alta High Tutoring Webpage for more information about this and other tutoring opportunities.

You can now follow us on Instagram under the nametag alta.hawks!
**For more information or to see photos of events, please visit the Alta High Website or follow the Alta Facebook Page.**