Week of January 10, 2022

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students
as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
- Updates related to COVID-19: Please look for information sent yesterday from Canyons School District relating to the SL County Health Department’s recent face mask mandate order. In these communications, information regarding face mask requirements and exemptions to this mandate are explained. Should you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Main Office or Attendance Office. Our priority will always be the health and safety of our students and staff.
- End of the Term is here!: A reminder that 2nd quarter (first semester) ends this week. The last day of the term is this Thursday, January 13th followed by a grading day (no school for students) on the 14th. Arena Scheduling is currently open for students to log into their Skyward account to add or drop semester classes. See your counselor with further questions.
- Senior Ads for the Yearbook: If you’d like your senior student to be highlighted in the Senior Ad section of the yearbook, it’s time to submit your ads! The final deadline to submit an ad is on January 31st, 2022. See flyer below for additional information.
- Attention Junior Families! The state ACT will be administered to all Alta juniors on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Alta is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Sycamore Learning Company again this year and will be able to offer a test prep course on Saturday, February 26, 2022, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Commons. Please see the flyer below for details on how to register. This is for JUNIORS ONLY. There are a limited number of spots available, so make sure to reserve your seat soon! If you have questions, please contact your student’s counselor or Shannon Kershaw, Alta’s Test Coordinator.
- Step 2 the U: Prior to the holiday break, junior students attended an informative assembly about Alta’s unique Step2theU program. The application link is now live can be submitted online. Applications are due on: Tuesday, February 1st, 2022. See the Alta website for additional information: https://ahs.canyonsdistrict.org/step2theu/
- Alta Baseball: Baseball Preseason Preparation is happening every Monday – Thursday in the Hawk House from 6:00 pm to 8:00 p.m.! Come join us if you plan to tryout for Alta Baseball this Spring. Wear suitable footwear, bring your bat and glove and get ready to get better! No steel cleats indoors. If you have any questions, see Coach Connelly in room 1943. The Alta Baseball program is selling game-worn jerseys, and you can own one! These jerseys are authentic game jerseys worn by Alta players in game competition. Stop by room 1943 and see Coach Connelly to take a look at what’s available and learn how to acquire a piece of Alta history.
- A reminder to read the Hawkeye, our student-sponsored school news publication online. Check out this week’s edition on our website: https://altahawkeye.org/
- Attention Juniors and Seniors! Are you Bilingual? If so, apply now for the Seal of Biliteracy. The Seal of Biliteracy is placed on a high school graduate’s transcript by the state of Utah to certify for employers and universities that the student has demonstrated proficiency in English and at least one world language. If you have earned a 3,4,or 5 on an AP world language test, and a minimum of an 18 on the English portion of the ACT, you automatically qualify! The application deadline is Friday, Jan. 21st, 2022. Complete the application online at: https://sealofbiliteracy.canyonsdistrict.org. Please see Karen Brown in the Counseling Center for more information concerning requirements and the application process.
- Math Tutoring & NHS Tutors: Our National Honor Society students are available every other Monday to help with tutoring in core subjects. Should your student need additional help in math, science, social studies, or ELA, help is available! Math Lab also continues after school throughout the month of January on Mondays—Thursdays. See math teachers for specific locations. Math tutoring is also available daily during Advisory in room 1118.
Keep up with all that is happening at Alta High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@alta.hawks) and frequently check the Hawkeye Online Newspaper for updated stories!