Alta High School
Soar to a New ALTAtude
We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
- Parent Teacher Conferences – Alta will be hosting virtual Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, February 23 and Wednesday, February 24. Please see pages 5 and 6 below or the Alta website for directions on how to reserve conference times with your child’s teachers. Scheduling will be available Tuesday, February 16 – Friday, February 19.
- Digital Citizenship Week is this week! Students will be participating in Digital Citizenship lessons in advisory and some of their other classes throughout the week. You can read about how we are keeping students digitally safe while at school, as well as access resources to help you keep your student safe at home, on the Canyons District Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship webpage.
- Attention Junior Families! There are some important ACT information and dates coming up! Please see page 7 for a summary of this information and page 8 for more information about the ACT Preparation Seminar on February 20th.
- ACT Math Prep Sessions – Students interested in preparing for the math section of the ACT are welcome to attend any or all sessions reviewing sample tests and exam strategies. These sessions will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons in room 2201 from 2:30-3:15pm.
- Alta Career Fair – Alta High School will be having a Virtual Career Fair on Thursday, March 4th @ 9:00am. We are looking for parents who are willing to share their Career Journey with our Students. Please sign-up with the following link: https://forms.gle/28128t43UgmwKYTH9. Contact Janet Jefferson janet.jefferson@canyonsdistrict.org with questions or for more information.
- Virtual Healthcare Career Experience: Students can learn about a variety of Healthcare careers through the Wasatch Front Health Science Partnership Virtual Health Career Day. Join us in the Library during Advisory any Tuesday or Wednesday in February or watch the videos on your own. Return the completed Exit Ticket to Janet Jefferson in room 2117 for a prize and to be entered in a drawing. https://sites.google.com/murrayschools.org/virtualhealthcarecareerday/home
- SheTech Registration is open now. The SheTech Virtual Summit is in collaboration and partnership with STEM teachers, technology companies, government officials and education leaders. Students compete in the Tech Challenge, interact with mentors in live mentoring sessions, engage on collaborative workshops and activate their interest in STEM. Register to secure your spot for SheTech Summit 2021: https://shetechexplorer.com/
- Attention Seniors and Parents of Seniors! A list of the Senior class has been posted outside the Main Office. Please check your name to make sure it is spelled correctly and appears the way you want it to show on your diploma. Let the Main Office know if there are any changes.
- Seniors, SAVE THE DATE! Auditions for graduation musical performances will be held Wednesday, April 28th from 2:30-3:30. If you plan to audition, please see Mrs. Raymond for more information.
- Keys to Success – Students: don’t forget to apply for the Keys to Success app online to register an account. You have the opportunity to be awarded a scholarship for college or obtain an internship! So much good information here for you!
- Spring Sports Tryouts – Tryouts for all spring sports are scheduled to begin the first week of March. All students interested in participate must complete the RegisterMyAthlete process. For more information, please visit the Alta High Athletics webpage or contact the appropriate head coach through their Canyons District email address (firstname.lastname@canyonsdistrict.org).
- Track and Field = Heather Heffner
- Girls Golf = Karen Jack
- Baseball = Daron Connelly
- Boys Tennis = Lori Sperry
- Softball = Carley Campbell
- Boys Lacrosse = Brandon Horoba
- Boys Soccer = Mackenzie Hyer
- Girls Lacrosse = Moriah Greenstein
You can now follow us on Instagram under the nametag alta.hawks!
**For more information or to see photos of events, please visit the Alta High Website or follow the Alta Facebook Page.**