Alta Attendance Policy
- Student Handbook: Please refer to Alta’s current attendance policy for detailed information and clarification on attendance.
Attendance Office Contact Information
- Direct Line: 801-826-5610
- Office Hours: 7am-3pm, Monday-Friday
Attendance Excusal Procedures
- Parent/Guardian Calls Only: Attendance can only be excused through a phone call from a parent, guardian, or emergency contact listed in Skyward during office hours.
- The attendance office CANNOT excuse attendance with an email or voicemail: A phone call is necessary from a parent, guardian or emergency contact from the number listed in Skyward for the absent student.
- Required Information: Please provide the student’s legal first and last name when calling to excuse attendance.
- Partial Day Absences: A phone call is required by 3 PM on the same day that the student is absent in order to excuse a student mid-day or check out a student.
- Full-day Student Excusal Timeline: The attendance office can excuse absences for the current school day and the last 4 school days.
- Tardy Excusals: Tardies cannot be excused by the attendance office.
- Tardy Excusal Exception: if a student is running late from a doctor, orthodontist, dentist, or official appointment, students can be excused with a doctor’s note.
- The official documentation is needed to excuse late arrivals and can be emailed to the school or carried in by the student; no phone call is required when students have official documentation.
- Resolving Attendance Errors: If a student is marked absent, tardy, or late in error, advise your student to communicate with the respective teacher rather than call the attendance office.
- Seminary and CTEC: For excusals from Seminary and CTEC classes, please contact their offices directly:
- Seminary: 801-576-2975
- CTEC: 801-826-6600.
Check Out Recommendations
- Early Check-Out Call Preferred: If you know your child is going to need to check out, please call first thing in the morning.
- The attendance office starts answering phones at 7 AM.
- The office will create a checkout slip for your student.
- Please have your student pick up their excusal slip in the attendance office BEFORE heading to class.
- By picking up their check-out slip early, students will be able to leave class at the time you request and the attendance office can avoid interrupting classes with an announcement.
- Check in/out student timelines: A parent/guardian may not retroactively check in/out a student. Those calls need to come the same day before 3 PM.
Lost and Found
- Location: Alta’s Lost and Found is situated in the attendance office. Please encourage your student to visit for lost item retrieval.
Financial Matters
- Fines or Fees: For assistance with fines or fees, contact the main office at 801-826-5600 and press 0.
Enrollment and Withdrawals
- Student Enrollment: If you have a new student enrolling at Alta, please contact the counseling center (801-826-5620) or the registrar’s office (801-826-5630).
- Student Withdrawals: Contact the attendance office at 801-826-5610 and ask for Kelly.
Academic Inquiries
- Schedules, Credits, Transcripts: Direct inquiries about schedules, credits, or transcripts can be resolved by contacting the counseling office at 801-826-5620.