11055 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.


SCC Bylaws

Article I – Name

Alta High School Community Council (SCC)

Article II – Laws

All Utah School Community Councils function under the following laws and statutes:

Policy 700.01 – School Community Councils




Board Policy

  1. The Board of Education recognizes that Utah law provides that each public school, in consultation with its local school board, shall establish a school community council at each school building level. The Board recognizes the purposes of the school community councils are to involve parents or guardians in decision making at the school level, improve the quality of education of students, prudently expend School LAND Trust Program money and implement a component of the school’s teacher and student success plan (See, Policy—200.06—Teacher and Student Success Act), and increase public awareness of School LAND Trust and related policies and management of the State School Fund.
  2. The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to review and approve the use of School LAND Trust Program money. As part of this responsibility, the president of the Board of Education shall ensure that the members of the Board are provided annual training on the School LAND Trust Program and its requirements.
  3. The primary focus of the school community council is to develop, approve, and assist in implementing School Improvement Plans and LAND Trust plans, which have a direct impact on the instruction of students and result in measureable increased academic achievement. The academic framework of the District provides guidance for individual School Improvement Plans.
  4. The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent, his/her designee, and the District Administration to establish Administrative Regulations consistent with this policy and applicable law, subject to review and approval by the Board.



Authority of the Council – 700.01-1

  1. The authority of the school community council does not supersede the authority of the principal, the Superintendent, or the Board of Education.
  2. The Board of Education may ask school community councils for information to inform Board decisions and may ask school community councils to address local issues at the school community council level before bringing those issues to the Board.
    1. School community councils serve to advise and make recommendations to school and district administrators regarding school and district programs and plans. Parental participation is an essential component in school decision-making.
    2. The school community council is an advisory, not a policy-making, body.
    3. Issues outside the scope of the school community council’s authority shall include state laws, district policies, student discipline, curriculum, personnel, and any issue delegated to the Board or another educational organization. However, a principal or school administrator may not prohibit or discourage a school community council from discussing issues, or offering advice or recommendations regarding the school and its programs, the curriculum, or the community environment for students.  



School Community Council Operation and Procedures – 700.01-2

  1. Canyons School District school community councils shall: adhere to composition, election, members terms, scheduled meetings, and comply with required reporting and notice requirements as outlined in state law, Utah Administrative Rules, and state and district training materials.    
  2. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible to ensure School Administrators comply with training materials and checklists for school community council operations.
  3. Individual school community council bylaws may incorporate training materials or similar guidelines, provided such materials are reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
  4. Under the direction of the Board of Education, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall conduct annual training for the community councils of the District.
  5. Electronic meetings:
    1. School community councils may conduct electronic meetings to allow members to participate electronically in a school community council meeting provided an anchor location is at the school for council members and the public to participate in-person or monitor the meeting. (Utah Code §53G-7-1203).
    2. Electronic meetings must adhere to all other meeting requirements as outlined in state law (Utah Code §53G-7-1203).
      1. School community councils may conduct an emergency meeting in which notice requirements may be disregarded, if because of unforeseen circumstances it is necessary for a council to consider matters of emergency or urgent nature; and
      2. the council gives the best notice practicable of the time and place of the emergency meeting, and topics to be considered at the emergency meeting.
  6. An election for school community council members may not be conducted by electronic means, unless the means and method of conducting the election has been approved by the Board of Education. 





Document History

Revised – 8.18.2020.  Policy -700.01 – School Community Councils was revised to include language for implementing a component of the school’s teacher and student success plan as part of decision making when involving parents and prudently expending the School LAND Trust Program.  The policy was also revised to include language to allow for school community council meetings to be conducted electronically, provided the public may participate in-person and or monitor the meeting.   Revised – 3.17.2015.  Policy -700.01 – School Community Council requires revision to update language regarding the School LAND Trust Program and School Improvement Plans, and to include specific language for annual training for members of school community councils and the Board of Education.   Specifically, the format and language of Policy-700.01 has been clarified to explain specific Board responsibilities and purposes of school community councils, and simplified to allow for reference and review of Utah State Office of Education (USOE) training materials and checklists.   The revisions allow for the annual update of procedures and training materials for school community councils without substantive policy revision.

Adopted – 10.20.09.

This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.

Article III – Standing Rules

  1. Elections for SCC representatives will be held prior to the September meeting, but after the start of school each year. All voting SCC members will have their name and contact information posted on the website.

a. Number of Members: The number of School Community Council members will have a minimum of 6 parent or guardian members and five school employee members, including the principal. The maximum number of members will be limited to 25. The number of parent or guardian members must exceed the number of school employee members by two, including the principal. The number of members is regulated and will adhere to §53G-7-1202. 

b. Notification of available SCC parent member seats, election dates and procedure for declaring candidacy for the SCC will be listed on the school website, posted in the Main Office at Alta High School, and sent as a mailing prior to the beginning of each school year. 

c. Notice of elections, including positions available and how to file, will be made at least 10 days prior to the election. 

d. Elections for SCC representatives will be held prior to the September meeting, but after the start of school each year. All voting SCC members will have their name and contact information posted on the school website. 

e. If there are more candidates than available seats, an election shall take place over 3 consecutive school days. The voting will take place over (at least) 3 consecutive school days. Two alternates will be selected from the remaining candidates after the seats are filled, in the order of the number of votes received. 

II. Members, parent and employee, have an expectation of attendance. 

a. If for some reason a member cannot attend, they need to notify the chairman ahead of time to be excused. If absent three meetings in a row, any member will be excused from participation on the school community council and may be replaced by the group (employee or parent) that elected them. 

b. If an SCC member misses three meetings in a given school year, they will be invited to resign as a voting member of the committee and the respective group (parent or employee) may appoint a replacement from the alternates selected during the election. If no alternate is available to serve, and it is determined that the seat needs to be filled, the SCC may seek out parents or school employees to be appointed. 

c. An alternate may be appointed by the SCC as a voting member of the Council if a seat is vacated prior to the next election. 

III. A quorum is defined as a qualified majority with the stipulation that the majority must follow the legal composition of the council and have, at minimum, two more parent members than employee members present to vote.

 IV. With workload, the district suggests meeting every month, with the exception of June and July. The SCC may cancel meetings as needed.

V. Officers will be elected by the SCC at the September meeting each school year. The current Chair/Vice-Chair will serve through the summer months, assist the Principal with SCC elections, conduct the September meeting and assist the new leadership in the transition even if they no longer have a student at Alta High School. 

VI. The SCC may not close meetings. The meetings are always open to the public. Notification of the meeting, its agenda and minutes will be posted on the school website for three years. 

VII. Subcommittees may be established or ceased by a majority vote of the council. 

a. Each subcommittee has to be chaired by at least one elected school community council member, which will report monthly on the committee’s progress. 

b. Other SCC members may serve on a committee. 

c. Additional community members, both employee and parent, that are not elected SCC members may serve on any subcommittee. 

VIII. All meetings will be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order and will be conducted by the SCC Chair and follow the guidelines listed below. 

a. Meetings will begin on time, use time wisely and finish on time, and stay focused on the agenda. 

b. A speaker must be recognized by the Chair before addressing the group. 

c. Members and guests will come prepared to participate and avoid side conversations during the meeting. 

d. Respect for others in verbal and non-verbal communication will be shown at all times. 

e. Avoid disruptions by silencing cell phones and taking necessary calls or conversations out of the room during the meeting. 

f. Actions of the SCC requiring a vote will be conducted according to parliamentary procedures. A voting member must make a motion, another will second the motion and following discussion, the council will vote. In votes that are not unanimous, a roll-call vote will be taken. 

IX. Other positions to be considered by membership include: 

a. Secretary (optional but recommended): Takes notes and creates the minutes of the meeting for approval by the SCC. (note: SCC meetings no longer need to be recorded) 

i. May be an elected member of the board.

ii. If appointed, membership needs to approve by majority vote. An appointed Secretary will not have voice or vote.

b. PTA Liaison (optional, but recommended)

i. May be an elected parent member of the committee, or

ii. An ex-officio, non-voting member of the PTA’s choosing.

c. Counselor – required as employee member under Comprehensive Guidance Plan

i. Who serves from counseling is up to faculty vote.

ii. Representatives from counseling office are welcome to attend as exofficio, non-voting members, if not voted on by employee membership.

X. Guests may share appropriate input on subjects that fall under the School Community Council purview. A patron may bring a topic to the SCC by contacting the Chair at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting and asking to be added to the agenda. The SCC may invite any person/group to make a presentation on issues pertinent to the role of the SCC. The items that are appropriate for discussion by School Community Councils include, but are not limited to:


b. School LAND Trust Plan

c. Academic needs of the school, with direction to determine the greatest academic need of the school for LAND Trust Plan expenditures

d. School safety and digital citizenship

e. Positive behavior, including addressing substance abuse

f. Parent/School communication and involvement

Items not to be discussed by the School Community Council include:

a. Any personnel issues

b. Individual student information

For a patron to bring a topic to the School Community Council they must contact the Council President in advance of the meeting and ask to be added to the agenda. An individual will be given 2 minutes to present. A group will be given 5 minutes to present. The Council, as a body, may then choose to add the topic to an agenda for future discussion. These Bylaws will be posted on the SCC page of the school website. Each SCC member will read and agree to abide by the Bylaws.

Approved February 4, 2019