SCC Agenda
November 23rd, 2020
Virtual Meeting S9Gdz09 Meeting ID: 856 2403 8457
Passcode: 754557
I. SBO Update/Report – Karl Packer and SBO’s
II. PTSA Update – Rochelle Stone
III. Counseling Corner – Callie Bjerregaard
IV. Enrollment Report Update – McGill
a. Enrollment/Retention rates
V. LandTrust and TSSA Budgets – McGill
VI. Attendance, Engagement, and Late-Work Policy – McGill
a. BLT (Building Leadership Team) has formed a sub-committee to evaluate similar policies at other local high schools and have been tasked with some actionables to create some common policies and standards related to late and/or make-up work.
b. Current common policies are upheld within each department, due to the unique nature of some elective (i.e., CTE, etc.) and performance based (PE, Dance, etc.) classes vs. traditional content based (i.e., Math, ELA, etc.) style courses.
VII. Other Items
Next Meeting:
Monday, January 25th, 2021, 3:00 pm, Hawkhouse Gallery