Library Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.
Mission Statement
Alta High School’s Library Media Program empowers students, staff, and community members to be lifelong learners, informed decision-makers, effective users of information technologies, and enthusiastic readers.

Contact us @
Circulation (801) 826-5650
Copy Room (801) 826-5651
Email Copy Requests to:
Library Policies
Book Checkout
- Books check out for 15 school days. Please return your books as quickly as possible when you are finished.
- Students may check out 5 books at a time.
- Books may be renewed online in the online catalog. Students are encouraged to login and use their library account. Login information is the same as logging into the school computers
- username: first letter of first name + first three of last name + last four of student number
- password: skyward password
Students in the Library
- Students are welcome in the library before school, at lunch, and after school.
- Students are welcome in the library during classes with a library pass from their teacher.
- Students should be working, reading, looking for a book, or conducting research while in the library.
- Students should keep voices down and not distract others.
- Students are not permitted to have food or drink in the library.
- Students should respect others and all library property and materials.
Lost Books
- If a student borrows a book, and it is lost or damaged, the student must pay for the item. If the book was lost, and later returned (within the same school year), the student’s money will be refunded.
Please let us know how we can help. We are here for you!