Welcome to the Alta Driver Education Web Page
Learner’s Permit
- You can obtain a learner permit once you turn 15.
- You will need an appointment with the DLD. There is an “Appointment Scheduler” button on the DLD website (https://dld.utah.gov/).
- You can take the written test at the DLD at the time of your appointment, or you can take it at Alta in room 1514 at 7:05 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. You can take the permit test twice at Alta. If you don’t pass with us, you must take the test at the DLD.
- What to take to the DLD:
- Parent or Legal Guardian
- Credit card to pay fee ($19.00)
- Social Security Card
- State issued Birth Certificate
- A second Proof Identity – School ID…
- Two forms that prove residence – Property Tax Notice, City Bill, Power Bill, etc.
- What to take to the DLD:
Driver’s License
Once you have completed the following you will be eligible to get a license.
- Class Course – State approved.
- Behind the Wheel Training – Typically called road and range drive.
- 40 hours of driving with parents/legal guardians and instructors.
- Have held your learners permit for 6 months
- Paper certificates are no longer necessary but ask your instructor if you would like one.
- You must make an appointment with the DLD to get a license (see the link above).
- Traffic Safety and Trends Exam. See the above website for the DLD.
Online Students Wanting to Drive with Alta
If you take an online course and you want to do your driving at Alta, you will need to pay the Dr. Ed. fee before you start your Behind the Wheel Training. If you are an in-district student, do this by calling our main office at 801-826-5600. They will be able to set up an online payment for you. If you’re outside of the district, you will need to pay at our main office. Once this is done, please take a picture of the receipt and send it to me (james.barker@canyonsdistrict.org) as well as the following information:
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Learners Permit Number – 9 digits starting with the number 2
- Phone number – We use Parent Square to contact students
We will assign an instructor and send information for signing up with one of our instructors.