March 25, 2025
- National Honor Society: is seeking new members for the 2025-2026 school year! If you have a GPA of at least a 3.7, a digital application was sent to your school e-mail. Please submit those applications by April 4th, 2025 for membership consideration. If you did not get the email and qualify for an application, see Ms. Graff in Room 1212 or Ms. Waters in 2104.
- Department Graduation Cords: Heeeyyy Seniors!! Are you ready to add some cool flair to your graduation gown? Applications for department cords are now available! These distinguished cords represent your hard work and dedication and can be proudly worn at graduation.
Applications are on Alta’s website under the Academics Tab or you can pick up a physical copy from the CTE Office in the Commons.
Many of these applications require a transcript, so don’t wait until the last minute to get started!
Completed applications must be submitted to the appropriate department chairperson no later than Thursday, April 17, 2025, before 3:00 PM. No late applications will be accepted. Take pride in your achievements and earn the recognition you deserve! If you have any questions, reach out to your department chair or the CTE Office. - Boys Basketball Open Gym: Boys basketball open gym will be every Monday and Wednesday 2:30-4:30 March through May. It’s for all incoming 9th through 12th graders. If you plan to play spring and summer tournaments with us, please attend as many open gyms as possible. We will make teams for those tournaments based on open gym numbers. Contact Coach Ohrn if you have any questions.
- Latinos in Action: Interested in joining or learning more about Latinos in Action? Join us in the library on March 27th during advisory for an information meeting and to fill out an application. We hope to see you there!
- Yearbook Staff Applications: If you are wanting to apply to be on next years yearbook staff, applications are available outside of Ms. Taylor’s classroom, room 2126. Applications are due on March 28th. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Taylor.
- Graduation Speaker Auditions: Attention All Seniors: Do you want to be a speaker at this year’s graduation? If so, graduation speaker tryouts will be held on Friday, April 18th at 12:35 pm in room 1309. Sign-up forms and information are available outside room 1309 from Mr. Murphy. You must turn in the application for speaker in order to try out.