11055 South 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.


Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment (CE) is a program where students can earn college credit for courses that they are taking in high school!  College classes are taught at the high school by university-approved high school instructors. This program is available for ALL of our AHS students and provides affordable access to higher education. Concurrent enrollment credit transfers to ALL state colleges, regardless of where the credit originated. For private institutions, it is best to contact that institutions directly to see how their admissions office accepts concurrent enrollment credit. 

First Time Concurrent Enrollment Student?

  • Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Apply for Admissions now.
  • There is a specific application for CE students so make sure you use the correct link to complete your application. 
  • When you get your User Name and S# take a picture with your phone or write it down. You will need this anytime you access your account/classes.
  • Once you are admitted and receive your S# you will need to go back into your account and register for each class using the correct CRN for your specific class and corresponding class period. Each class period has a unique CRN. 
  • For easy to use Instructions on each of these steps. Please click the buttons below. 
Admissions Fall 2024: August 30, 2024
Registration Fall 2024: September 6, 2024
Tuition Fall 2024:September 20, 2024
Last Day to Withdraw (No Refunds): November 1, 2024
Admissions Spring 2025: February 7, 2025
Registration Spring 2025: February 14, 2025
Tuition Spring 2025: February 23, 2025
Last Day to Withdraw (No refunds): March 21, 2025

Still Need Help?

Come See us in the Career Center and We’d be happy to help.

Rm 1409 right next to the Commons

or Call us at 801-826-5778

Brooke Smith email: brooke.smith1@canyonsdistrict.org

& Taylor Jesienouski email: taylor.jesienouski@canyonsdistrict.org