Hello wonderful Alta Community,
We hope you and your students enjoyed an extra day added to the weekend. We appreciate the opportunity we had meeting with the many parents and students that signed up for parent-teacher conferences last week. If you did not have the opportunity to speak with your student’s teachers and would still like to, feel free to reach out directly to that teacher and schedule a time.
Here are several useful pieces of information for you this week:
Alta News
- Homecoming Week: Homecoming activities will occur the week of October 7th. There will be various activities for the students throughout the week both during school and after school. All parents and alumni are invited to attend our Homecoming assembly on Tuesday, October 8th at 9:00 am, as well as our Homecoming football game on Thursday, October 10th at 7:00 pm. Please see our calendar of events for other activities.
- Dress Code: Alta High School, along with other Canyons District schools, are updating our dress code policy. Please reference the attached dress code flier. This will be presented to our student body in the coming school days. Our purpose in this update is to streamline our dress code standards and encourage appropriate dress for school learning activities. This dress code is for all students and teachers at Alta High School.
- Reflections: The Reflections Arts Contest is open!! The theme is “Accepting Imperfection”. All entries are due Wednesday, October 23rd. For more information or to enter click here: https://www.utahpta.org/ref. Please also reference an easy access information sheet by clicking here. For questions, please email Reflections@AltaHighPTSA.com
- Freshman Class Officer Elections: Freshman election campaigning begins today for all those that registered last week. Elections will be occurring during advisory. Girls Golf Interest Meeting: We would like to invite any female student interested in spring golf to come to a quick meeting October 2 @ 2:30 in the library.
- Math and Science lab: Students have the opportunity to attend intervention time for their math and science classes after school. Math lab has begun and Science lab will begin shortly. Have your student check with their math and science teachers for the after school schedule.
- Open Special Education Para-professional positions available: We have a couple open positions for classroom para-professionals to assist in our special education rooms. If you, or someone you know, is interested please apply at https://jobs.canyonsdistrict.org/human-resources/index.cfm#!/jobs/10. Make sure you apply at the Alta location.
Work Based Learning Information
- Meet the Pros Advisory Meeting – Wednesday, October 2nd during Advisory, in the Library. Sydney Robertson, UX Designer from Chatbooks will be sharing her career journey with students. Any interested student may attend to learn more about this exciting career.
- Builder’s Day – Wednesday, October 9th, 9:00am-2:00pm at the University of Utah. This career exploration event will have industry professionals working in various construction roles such as, architects, engineers, project managers, and craft workers. Students will learn about the day-to-day tasks, education and training requirements, and rewards and challenges of working in these fields. There will also be hands-on activities and demonstrations. Lunch and transportation (Bus) will be provided. Students can sign-up here: https://forms.gle/tETk8Phi1dJZR96eA
- SLCC Art & Media Workshop – November 1st, 9:00am-1:00pm. This annual event brings together students and SLCC faculty for exciting workshops covering a range of artistic and technical topics. Students sign-up for one workshop only. Registration is $8 (plus a small processing fee) and covers lunch and supplies. There will be a bus available from Alta for transportation to and from the event. Registration opens on October 1, 2024 @ 9:00am. Details and Registration can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-slcc-high-school-workshop-day-registration-1023943090347?aff=oddtdtcreator
See the attached flyers and reach out to Janet Jefferson, janet.jefferson@canyonsdistrict.org | 801-826-5666, for questions and more information on any of the above events.
AP Exam and PSAT Information
- AP EXAMS: Dear Alta High School Students, Parents, and Guardians, AP Exam registration has begun. AP exams need to be ordered and paid for by November 13th , 2024, to meet the fall ordering deadline. Please remember, you must register and pay for the exam separately. The process for registering and paying for AP exams are attached here and have been posted on the Alta High School website. You may also pick up an instructional flyer in the counseling office
- 2024 PSAT Information: The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is a great tool for students considering college. The PSAT/NMSQT measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills and writing skills. It is also taken to enter the competition for National Merit Scholar scholarships (11th graders) and to help prepare for the SAT. The 2024 PSAT will be administered on Wednesday, October 30th. Students participating in this exam will be excused from their morning classes. Exam registration and payment will take place online beginning on August 26th. Student will register and pay at: www.totalregistration.net/PSAT/450402
- Paying for the PSAT: The cost for the PSAT will remain the same this year at $20 per exam. Students with an accommodation plan must register and complete payment by September 6th in order to request accommodation approval from College Board. The registration and payment deadline are Friday, September 27th. A $5 late fee will begin on Monday, September 23rd. There are a limited number of spaces available, so please don’t wait until the last minute. Please note that the PSAT test will be given in digital format. College Board no longer allows paper testing of the PSAT NMSQT. Students will need to bring a district issued, fully charged Chromebook to the exam. -Please contact Dr. Joden Jensen, jodene.jensen@canyonsdistrict.org , if you have any questions.
School Athletics and Activities
School athletics and activities are underway. Please visit our school’s calendar for school/sports events. Here are a few highlights of upcoming events:
Monday 9/30
- Boys Golf @ Meadowbrook GC. 7:30am
- September SCC Meeting – 3:15 in the Alumni Room
Tuesday 10/01
- National Honors Society Induction 8:00am-9:00am
- Girls Soccer vs Highland (V 3:30, JV 5:15)
- Girls Volleyball @ Olympus (S 3:30, JV 5, V 6:30)
Wednesday 10/02
- Football vs Juan Diego (FR) 6pm
- Night of Shakespeare (PAC) 7pm
Thursday 10/03
- Girls Tennis 5A State @ Liberty Park. 8:30am
- Football vs Brighton (JV) 4pm
- Girls Volleyball @ Highland (S 3:30, JV-F 5, V 6:30)
Friday 10/04
- Senior Sunrise (Stadium) 6:30am
- Girls Volleyball @ Maple Mountain Tournament. 8am
- Cross Country Region (Sugar House Park) 2pm
- Football @ Brighton. 7pm
Saturday 10/05
- Girls Volleyball @ Maple Mountain Tournament. 8am
- Marching Band @ Bridgerland Invite USU. 8am
- Girls Tennis 5A State @ Liberty Park. 8:30am
*October 7th – 11th Will be Homecoming Week!