Hello wonderful Alta Community,
We hope you and your students had a great weekend. Welcome to quarter 2! By mid this week, grades will be posted for quarter 1. This week is also our spirit week. We are excited for the activities we will be holding this week.
As we are starting a quarter 2 today, we would like you to review our intentions and school protocols for students during advisory. Advisory this year has provided students with additional intervention time and allows them the opportunity to tailor this time to more effectively meet their personal learning needs and goals. Here are some clarifications and guidelines that will help them make the most effective and efficient use of this time.
- Advisory Intervention time takes place during school instructional hours. Teachers are working and supervising full classes of students studying multiple subjects during this period. This makes Advisory Intervention time most ideal and most effective for make-up work and for additional time to complete unfinished assignments that require limited teacher supervision or guidance.
- Advisory Intervention time can NOT accommodate personal tutoring needs because the teacher is not available for one-on-one individual tutoring. Students whose academic needs and goals require personal, individual tutoring to improve understanding or who require personal tutoring following missed instruction due to absence would be much better served by taking advantage of the morning engagement period from 7:10 to 7:40 or after school engagement from 2:25 to 2:55. At these times students can make an appointment with their teacher and receive individual one-on-one tutoring.
Overall, if a student is in need of more personalized help, please utilize our engagement time before and after school. We look forward to working with your student to provide the academic interventions they need in the most effective and efficient way possible.
Here are several useful pieces of information:
Veteran’s Day of Honor: Every year, Alta High hosts a Veteran’s Day Assembly to honor our veterans, with a prelude breakfast reception. We invite you to submit the form at https://bit.ly/AltaVeterans to honor any veteran from our community or your family, that you would like to honor at this event on November 11th.
Please reference the attached flier!
Open Special Education Para-professional positions available: We have a couple open positions for classroom para-professionals to assist in our special education rooms. If you, or someone you know, is interested please apply at https://jobs.canyonsdistrict.org/human-resources/index.cfm#!/jobs/10. Make sure you apply at the Alta location.
AP EXAMS: Dear Alta High School Students, Parents, and Guardians,
AP Exam registration has begun. AP exams need to be ordered and paid for by November 13th , 2024, to meet the fall ordering deadline. Please remember, you must register and pay for the exam separately. The process for registering and paying for AP exams are attached below and have been posted on the Alta High School website. You may also pick up an instructional flyer in the counseling office
School athletics and activities are underway. Please visit our school’s calendar for school/sports events. Here are a few highlights of upcoming events:
Monday Oct. 28th:
- SCC Meeting – Hawk House Gallery. 3:15 pm
Tuesday Oct. 29th:
- Make A Wish Kick off Assembly in the GYM. 9:00am
- Girls Volleyball vs Olympus (S 3:30, JV 5, V 6:30)
Wednesday Oct. 30th:
- PSAT Testing. 7:00-2:00
- Cross Country State Championship. 8am
Thursday Oct. 31st:
- No school wide activities
Friday Nov. 1st:
- 2nd Round Football State Tournament Alta @ Bountiful. 5pm