Week of November 29, 2021

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students
as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
- PBIS: As we look ahead to the holiday season, we encourage everyone in our school community to support our students as they seek to make our Make-A-Wish child, Marcus’s, dream come true. See the QR code below to donate. We also encourage everyone to be a little more kind, a little more aware of others, and a little more grateful for the gifts we have been given as the season begins.
- Schoolwide Make-A-Wish Fundraiser. We invite all members of our Alta High school community to consider donating to our annual fundraiser at the following link: alta-high-school-hawk-nest.square.site See flyer below for additional info!
- The Alta Ballroom Team is pleased to present “Dancing With the Hawks” for one night only on Monday, December 6th! Come enjoy spectacular performances by the Alta Ballroom Team, and by Ballroom team officers with Alta Hawks representing different school organizations as they compete for YOUR vote! Tickets are $8 or $10 at the door. A portion of proceeds will go towards Alta’s Make A Wish fundraiser. You don’t want to miss this!!
- HOSA and ARUP are hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, December 2 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations are desperately needed at this time. Please consider donating to save lives! Students must be at least 16 years old to donate. See Ms. Starley for the parent permission form. Parents can walk in without having to schedule an appointment. For appointments click here.
- Alta High Choirs: Please come and ring in the Christmas season with Alta Choirs at our annual Yuletide Concert! It’s Monday, December 13th at 7pm in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are available on Shovation.com
- From the Registrar: Be sure to order your transcripts on Parchment by December 1st in order to make the December 3rd priority deadline. This is the quickest and safest method which allows you to track the order. Here is the link for the application you might want to add as well.
- HOSA is selling high-quality first aid kits through Right Response. There are a number of kinds of kits for all occasions. Everyone can use a first aid kit! Consider buying several for holiday or birthday gifts.
- Attention Seniors! The Opportunity Scholarship application (formerly known as the Regents’ scholarship) is now open. The priority deadline is December 3rd. Applications received by the priority deadline may be given first consideration. Go to opportunityscholarship.org for more information and to see if you qualify for this scholarship. Call the Opportunity office at 801-646-4812 or see Mrs. Brown in the Counseling Center if you have questions or concerns.
- Parent/Community Volunteers: For parents, guardians, or community members interested in volunteering in our school, specifically helping to be a presence in the hallways to encourage on-time attendance and positive behavior, please contact Shelly Karren, Assistant Principal: shelly.karren@canyonsdistrict.org for more information.
- PTSA: The Alta PTSA would like to recognize all of our wonderful faculty and staff for their exceptional efforts on behalf of our students this school year. To do so, we are asking for donations of $25 gift cards (or a monetary donation toward the purchase of gift cards). These cards will be distributed before Christmas. Physical gift cards, checks or cash may be dropped off in the PTSA lock box in the Main Office by Friday, December 3rd. For online donations, click here: Gift Cards of Gratitude.
- Science Tutoring: Physics Tutoring is now available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 4:00 PM in Mr. Stanford’s room (1119). If you need help with homework, are studying for a test, or have any other physics questions, we would love to help! Other science classes will also be offering after-school tutoring soon.
- Math Tutoring during Advisory: Tutoring is hosted during Advisory on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in room 1118 with Morgan Brown and math club members. They can tutor any level of math. Students should check in with their advisory teacher and then go to tutoring for the entire advisory period. Attendance is taken and reported back to advisory teachers.
- NHS Tutoring: Our National Honor Society students are available every other Monday to help with tutoring in core subjects. Should your student need additional help in math, science, social studies, or ELA, help is available! Math Lab also continues after school throughout the month of November Mondays—Thursdays. See math teachers for specific locations!
Keep up with all that is happening at Alta High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@alta.hawks) and frequently check the Hawkeye Online Newspaper for updated stories!