Week of November 1, 2021

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students
as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Support: This past week our SOAR card blitz was a huge success. A reminder that SOAR stands for safe, organized, actively engaged, and respectful. Students were rewarded for on-time attendance to class, as well as positive behavior this week. We will continue to catch students “doing good” and reward this behavior accordingly. Last week the Hawk’s Nest School Store was certainly a hot spot as students redeemed their cards for various items in the store.
- Remote-Learning Fridays: The start of Remote-Learning begins on Friday, November 5th . The CSD School Board approved six additional Fridays throughout the year beginning Nov. 5th in order to support teacher planning time, intervention time, and student independent study. More information will be forthcoming about the structure of these days, as well as the dates for the remaining five days throughout the school year.
- PTSA: The Alta PTSA would like to recognize all of our wonderful faculty and staff for their exceptional efforts on behalf of our students this school year. To do so, we are asking for donations of $25 gift cards (or a monetary donation toward the purchase of gift cards). To sign up and for more information, please click on the link below. Questions can be sent to altaPTSA1@gmail.com All donations of gift cards, checks or cash need to be dropped off to the PTSA lock box in the main office by Friday, November 19th. Gift Cards of Gratitude
- Veteran’s Day of Honor: Every year, Alta High hosts a Veteran’s Day Assembly to honor our veterans. We invite you to submit the form below for any veteran from our community that you would like to honor at this event on November 11th.
- Important AP Test Info: AP Families, please remember that the first late fee for AP exams goes into effect TONIGHT, Monday, November 1st at 10:00 PM. Avoid paying an additional $10 per exam by paying right away. Go to: www.totalregistration.net/AP/450402 and log in with your student’s username and password to pay with a debit or credit card. Please note that next Monday, November 8th at 10:00 PM, the late fee will increase to $20 per exam and on Monday, November 15th, the late fee will increase to $40 per exam. Please contact our AP Coordinator, Shannon Kershaw (shannon.kershaw@canyonsdistrict.org) if you have any questions about payment procedures.
- NHS Tutoring & Math Lab: Our National Honor Society students are available every other Monday to help with tutoring in core subjects. Should your student need additional help in math, science, social studies, or ELA, help is available! Math Lab also continues after school throughout the month of November Mondays—Thursdays. See math teachers for specific locations!
- Attention Seniors! The Opportunity Scholarship application (formerly known as the Regents’ scholarship) will open on Monday, November 15th. The priority deadline is December 4th. Applications received by the priority deadline may be given first consideration. Go to opportunityscholarship.org for more information and to see if you qualify for this scholarship. Call the Opportunity Office at 801-646-4812 or see Mrs. Brown in the Counseling Center if you have questions or concerns.
- FCCLA: Hello Hawk Community! Our Alta FCCLA Chapter is partnering with the WeHelpTwo foundation to raise money to buy an amputee child/provider a prosthetic leg and collect socks for our own community. To accomplish this we are selling packs of funky socks for $12! Thanks for your support! https://go.wehelptwo.com/campaign/?campaignid=12856
- Civics Test Requirement: Per state law, in order to graduate, all seniors must take and pass a basic Civics Test. If your student has not taken, or did not pass this test, they should have received two emails through their school email giving them instructions on how to take this test through their canvas account. Contact Karen Brown in the Counseling Center if you have any questions at 801-826-5631 or karen.brown@canyonsdistrict.org
Keep up with all that is happening at Alta High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@alta.hawks) and frequently check the Hawkeye Online Newspaper for updated stories!