11055 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.


Weekly Newsletter: March 17 – 21, 2025

Happy Monday morning!


Happy St. Patrick’s day!  We hope you and your students enjoyed the weekend. This week marks the end of 3rd quarter.


Here are several useful pieces of information.  There is a lot. Please skim entire newsletter so you do not miss out on important information.


CLASS Officer Elections: Current Freshman, sophomores, and juniors: are you interested in being a Class Officer for the 2025 – 2026 school year?  Applications are due on March 24th by 3:00pm.  There is an informational meeting, for students, on Monday March 3rd in the Library during advisory. Students will apply at schoolelections.canyonsdistrict.org. For more information, you can contact Shaley Louder at shaley.louder@canyonsdistrict.org


Peer Leadership Team Applications – Sophomores and Juniors if you are interested in auditioning for the Peer Leadership Team, for next school year, applications are now being accepted.  Throughout the year, P.L.T. will go to elementary schools to teach 5th graders the Peer Refusal Skills to get them out of tough situations. P.L.T. is a great opportunity to make new friends, become involved at school, provide a great deal of service to the community, and develop life skills. You will learn life skills such as organization, dependability, teamwork, dedication, and leadership. And, it looks great on your college application!! See Mrs. Louder in room 2123 or contact shaley.louder@canyonsdistrict.org for more information.


Prom 2025:  Alta’s Prom promises to be memorable this year as it will be held at the Utah State Capitol building.  The theme is: “Next to You”.  The event will take place on Saturday, March 29th from 8:30-11:00 p.m.  The dress will be formal attire. Tickets are now on sale on the school website.


March Hawk Hero: Congratulations to our March Hawk Heroes! (Please reference the link for names of students).  These students were nominated by faculty members, fellow students and other community members for being responsible with their schoolwork, being kind, helping others, and showing respect. We are grateful to these students for contributing to our community in positive ways. They were all awarded with a gift bag, and our juniors and seniors received a special parking place in the student lot for the month of March. We wish to recognize Robeks, Crumbl, Einstein Bagels, Arctic Circle, and Menchie’s for their support of our students. Please go support these local businesses! We encourage students and parents to nominate others as Hawk Heroes if you have noticed them making a difference for good. You may nominate with the QR found on the linked document. 



School athletics and activities are underway.  Please visit our school’s calendar for school/sports events. Here are a few highlights of upcoming events:

Monday March 17th

  • SBO Elections week begins
  • Baseball @ Salem Hills 3:30pm
  • Boys Tennis vs Olympus 3:30pm

Tuesday March 18th

  • Region 6 Theatre PAC & Selected Rooms @ Alta High School 2:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Track vs Brighton & West 3:00pm
  • Baseball @ Orem 3:30pm
  • Boys Soccer @ East 3:30pm
  • Boys Volleyball @ East 6:30pm
  • Girls Lacrosse @ Provo 7:00pm

Wednesday March 19th

  • JV/So Baseball vs Orem 3:30pm
  • Softball @ Granger 3:30pm
  • Boys Lacrosse vs Lone Peak 7:00pm
  • Girls Lacrosse @ Box Elder 7:00pm

Thursday March 20th

  • Girls Golf @ Stansbury Park Golf Course 9:00am
  • Baseball @ Viewmont 3:30pm
  • Boys Tennis @ East 3:30pm
  • Softball @ Highland 3:30pm
  • Boys Volleyball @ Skyline6:30pm

Friday March 21st

  • End of 3rd Quarter
  • State Jazz 
  • Boys Tennis @ Provo Tournament 2:00pm
  • JV/So Boys Volleyball @ Tooele Tournament 3:00pm
  • Boys Soccer @ Skyline 3:30pm
  • Girls Lacrosse vs Park City 7:00pm
  • Boys Lacrosse @ Wasatch 7:00pm

Saturday March 22nd

  • Winter Guard WGI Regional @ Mt Ridge High School 8:00am – 4:00pm
  • JV/So Boys Volleyball @ Tooele Tournament 10:00am
  • Drumline @ Maple Mt. High School 4:00pm