Week of December 13, 2021

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students
as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
- Positive Behavior Celebrations: The holiday season is a time of appreciation. This past week, administrators spent time in the hallways asking students one thing they appreciated about one of their teachers at school. Students had plenty of very positive things to share about our staff members. One staff member who heard what her student shared, teared up when she heard the positive praise. Thanks to all of our difference-makers, both students and staff alike, who find ways to spread words of positivity throughout our school environment.
- Alta High Choirs: Please come and ring in the Christmas season with Alta Choirs at our annual Yuletide Concert! It’s Monday, December 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are available on Shovation.com. Support Alta Choir and Make-A-Wish by ordering Alta swag here by Dec. 28th: https://altachoirswish2021.itemorder.com/sale
- Theater Supporters: Auditions for the “Last Night of Ballyhoo” are after school on Wednesday, December 15th! Come to the green room in the PAC to sign up for an audition slot and grab an audition packet for more information. Also, the theatre department is having a fundraiser at the Draper Zupas on Tuesday, Dec. 14th from 4:00-9:00 p.m.. Mention that you’re with Alta theatre and a portion of the proceeds from your meal will go to the department. We hope to see you there!
- PTSA: In need of a great Christmas gift? The PTSA will be at the school selling Alta blankets on Friday, December 17th from 10:45-1:30 p.m.. To purchase a blanket before this date, please visit our online store here: store. All pre-purchased blankets will be available for pickup on these two dates. Only 98 blankets are left and they will not be sold next year, so get yours today!
- The Hawk Stash will be open after school on Wednesday, December 15th and Thursday, December 16th. Stop by if you would like to bring home some groceries to share with your family over the school break.
- Senior Ads for the Yearbook: If you’d like your senior student to be highlighted in the Senior Ad section of the yearbook, it’s time to submit your ads! Save a few bucks by submitting your information by the early bird deadline on December 31st. See flyer below for additional information.
- A reminder to read the Hawkeye, our student-sponsored school news publication online. Check out this week’s edition on our website: https://altahawkeye.org/
- Attention Juniors and Seniors! Are you Bilingual? If so, apply now for the Seal of Biliteracy. The Seal of Biliteracy is placed on a high school graduate’s transcript by the state of Utah to certify for employers and universities that the student has demonstrated proficiency in English and at least one world language. If you have earned a 3,4,or 5 on an AP world language test, and a minimum of an 18 on the English portion of the ACT, you automatically qualify! The application deadline is Friday, Jan. 21st, 2022. Complete the application online at: https://sealofbiliteracy.canyonsdistrict.org. Please see Karen Brown in the Counseling Center for more information concerning requirements and the application process.
- HOSA is selling high-quality first aid kits through Right Response. There are a number of kits for all occasions. Everyone can use a first aid kit! Consider buying several for holiday or birthday gifts.
- Schoolwide Make-A-Wish Fundraiser Final Week! We invite all members of our Alta High school community to consider donating to our annual fundraiser at the following link: alta-high-school-hawk-nest.square.site
- NHS Tutoring: Our National Honor Society students are available every other Monday to help with tutoring in core subjects. Should your student need additional help in math, science, social studies, or ELA, help is available! Math Lab also continues after school throughout the month of November Mondays—Thursdays. See math teachers for specific locations!
- Science Tutoring: Physics Tutoring is now available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 4:00 PM in Mr. Stanford’s room (1119). If you need help with homework, are studying for a test, or have any other physics questions, we would love to help! Other science classes will also be offering after-school tutoring soon.
- Math Tutoring during Advisory: Tutoring is hosted during Advisory on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in room 1118 with Morgan Brown and math club members. They can tutor any level of math. Students should check in with their advisory teacher and then go to tutoring for the entire advisory period. Attendance is taken and reported back to advisory teachers.
Keep up with all that is happening at Alta High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@alta.hawks) and frequently check the Hawkeye Online Newspaper for updated stories!