Week of August 30-September 3, 2021

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students
as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
- Second Week Successes: We want to celebrate all students for their positive behavior thus far and for following our SOAR creed. Freshmen and Sophomores met in class meetings in the PAC last week to meet administration, counselors, and other support staff and to review expectations. Juniors and Seniors will have their class meetings this week.
- Pick-up/Drop-off Parking – The new configuration in our west visitor lot is now active! We remind all patrons to pick up/drop off in the west lot in front of the school and follow the signage on the pavement. Please do not park or pick up/drop off your students in the north bus area or the east faculty parking. Please avoid parking in the faculty area on Mondays and Thursdays as our marching band uses that parking area to practice.
- PTSA: The first general membership PTSA meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 8th at 10:15 in the Hawk Gallery. We will be voting on our budget, which can be found on the Alta school
website: . https://altahigh.memberhub.com/ . Also, volunteers are needed for make-up picture days https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C49AFAE22A6FA7-makeup , as well as vision screening: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C49AFAE22A6FA7-vision. Thank you for your support! - Theatre Auditions: Auditions open Wednesday, Sept. 1st and Thurs, Sept. 2nd for “Spongebob the Musical!” Students can sign-up for a spot in the Green Room of the PAC where theatre classes are held. Students may pick up an audition packet to fill out and bring back to the audition. A workshop will also be held this Tuesday from 2:45-3:45 p.m. Come out and join us!
- Need Help With Math? Math help is available Monday thru Thursday starting on August 30th. The schedule for math lab is included below. Please note additional flyers at the end of this document.
- National Honor Society: NHS reminds students and patrons that the annual Induction Ceremony will be held in the PAC on Thursday, September 9th at 7:00 p.m.
- Class / Course Fees: Class fees have been added to your student’s Skyward account and need to be paid as soon as possible. Fees may be paid online through your Skyward account with card and e-checks. Fees may be paid in the office with cash or check only. For questions, please contact the Main Office.
- Scheduling: Students now should have a complete schedule with all 8 periods filled, unless they have completed an Education Release. If a student has applied for an Education Release please note that this means the student cannot be on campus during that period. If you don’t have a complete schedule please contact your counselor immediately.
- The Alta High Interact Club is sponsoring a donation drive to help support the Afghan refugees who will soon be coming to Utah. A donation table for much needed items will be set up on Friday, September 3rd at the football game. Please bring your donated items to the football game while you cheer on our Hawks! You can also drop off items to the Counseling Office. Some suggested items: toilet paper, paper towels, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, cleaning products, socks, feminine hygiene products, gloves, coats, first aid kits, etc.
Keep up with all that is happening at Alta High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@alta.hawks) and frequently check the Hawkeye Online Newspaper for updated stories!