Alta High School
Soar to a New ALTAtude
We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.
- Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremonies – It’s official! The Class of 2021 graduation ceremonies will be held on May 26th at 10:00am at the University of Utah Huntsman Center. Each graduate can invite up to four guests. See page 4 for more details. Additionally, seniors who qualified for one or more graduation cords can pick them up in the Alta Main Office
- COVID-19 Protocols, Mask Mandate – Despite a change in protocol in other areas around our state, face masks will continue to be required in schools, on buses and in district offices throughout the remainder of the school year. More information can be found in this CSD Update.
- Dance Company Auditions – Students interested in auditioning for the 2021-2022 Dance Company Team can find information on page 5.
- Work-Based Learning Opportunities – See pages 6 and 7 for information about some excited work-based learning opportunities for students!
- Alta PTSA is filling spots for next year’s board and invites you to sign up! You can help our school community in meaningful ways even if you are only able to offer small amounts of time. Please check out this link and sign up by May 15th.
- Hawkeye – New articles on class officer candidates, spirit week, construction update, PAC design award, and more! Read it here.
- If you have not picked up your 2020 yearbook (last year’s book), please go to room 1310 and pick it up. All unclaimed yearbooks will be given away the middle of May to make way for the 2021 yearbook delivery. We will notify student once more by csddocs email during this next week.
- Graduation Party – The annual Graduation Party for Alta Students, sponsored by the PTSA and Pepperwood Homeowners Association, will be held at the Pepperwood park on May 26th from 9:00PM-2:00AM. Although this is not affiliated with or sponsored by Alta High, it is a great party which provides a safe and fun place for our kids to celebrate for over 30 years now. Tickets will ONLY be sold at the high school during lunches this year, and you must be a student of Alta High to buy a ticket. One ticket per student, cash only. $30 per ticket. There will be no tickets sold the night of the party. Please pass this info along to your students if they are interested in attending. The schedule to buy tickets is as follows:
May 3rd & 4th- Seniors and Juniors
May 5th- Sophomores
May 6th- Freshman
As always, the party committee is looking for Chaperone volunteers. If you are interested and able to volunteer, please contact Laurie Cole at 702-354-2577 to sign up for a shift. - Job Opportunity – Now is the time to apply for the ultimate job at Edgemont and Peruvian Park Elementary! We are looking for sweepers at least 14 year’s old to work between 1.5 to 3 hours weekday afternoons. It’s the perfect job that can be flexible with your hours while keeping your weekends free! Fill out an application now at 11150 S. 300 E. (off of Vista Way in Sandy). If you have any questions, talk with Nick Willie or Rameses Timbol.
- Donation Drive – Latinos in Action and Interact Club will be hosting a donation during lunch between April 12th-April 29th, and the purpose of this fundraiser is to give students a chance to give back to the community and donate sanitary items (women’s washable fabric masks, washcloths, bar soap, hair elastics, etc.) to make care packages for refugees. NO USED ITEMS!! We’re making this a competition between advisory classes for a prize.
- Hawk Stash – The Alta Hawk Stash is open after school on Thursdays in room 1110. Students and family members can also visit either the Counseling Center or Attendance Office to access the Hawk Stash during any other school operating hours.
- Alta Summer School Driver Education – Students interested in taking summer school Dr. Ed. will need to register in the main office before or after school or at lunch. The course is for anyone who has not graduated and will be at least 16 years old by January 1st, 2022. The class will begin on June 1st and end on June 17th. It will be in person but Canvas-based. Please see more details by going here.
Keep up with all that is happening at Alta High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@alta.hawks) and frequently check the Hawkeye Online Newspaper for updated stories!