11055 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.



Advisory is held Monday through Thursday 9:10-9:40 a.m.

Purpose of Advisory

Alta High’s advisory provides a place for students to grow academically, emotionally and socially through sustained and meaningful relationships with adults and peers. 

The goal of advisory is to: 

  • Build positive relationships with classmates
  • Build positive relationships with an adult in the building
  • Build self-advocacy, organization & other skills for success
  • Stay organized and up-to-date with school work and grades
  • Have built in time to attend academic intervention

The Weekly Schedule

  • Monday: Community Building, Skill Building, Class discussions, and Reflections with your Advisory Class
  • Tuesday: Grade Checks and Study Hall in your Advisory Class
  • Wednesday: Academic Intervention Time. Students have the opportunity on this day to visit their curriculum teachers to receive help on classroom material, retake quizzes or tests, or whatever may be needed. Students may stay in their advisory class if they wish.
  • Thursday: Academic Intervention Time. Students have the opportunity on this day to visit their curriculum teachers to receive help on classroom material, retake quizzes or tests, or whatever may be needed. Students may stay in their advisory class if they wish.

Grading and Credit Procedures

  • Students will earn 10 points per week for participation and attendance
    • 8 points are possible for attendance (2 points each day), and 2 points will be earned for completing grade checks and a goal setting activity
  • Students will receive a grade at the end of each quarter
  • Students earn ¼ elective credit for each year of Advisory