11055 South 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

We are an inclusive learning community with a tradition of inspiring, supporting, and collaborating with students as they prepare to be engaged citizens in their pursuit of continuous success.


February 24, 2020 – Minutes

School Community Council
Monday, February 24, 2020

Members in Attendance:

Chad Heyborne                       Kelli Miller                               Jim Jensen

Brittany Stephenson               Cache Merrill                          Garry True

Matt Leininger                        Chet Linton                              Melissa Gibbs

Katie Christensen                    Page Checketts                        Karl Packer

Shannon Kershaw                   Callie Bjerregaard                   Ron Strohm

Others in Attendance:
Carolyn Cannon (Secretary)
Rochelle Stone (PTSA)
Robotics Students (11)

Not in Attendance:    

Brian McGill                            Tricia Leininger                       April Richardson

I. Welcome, Review & Approve minutes from January 27, 2020 meeting (Heyborne, 5 min)

  • Motion to Approve minutes – Chet Linton
  • Second – Page Checketts
  • Minutes Approved

II. Student Government/Events Update (Packer, 10 min)

  • Legacy Week went well; students wanted to do some Tick Tocks and 2 of them have received over 300,000 views
  • Elections will get started soon


III. PTSA Update (Rochelle Stone, 5 min)

  • Feb 12 – PTA at the Capital – 5 students and 2 leaders attended to see how the Legislature works
  • Legacy Assembly – Teachers of the Year were recognized – Shaley Allen, Chad Van Orden, Bret Thomas
  • March 12th will be PI Day
  • Feb 25th – Taco Bar for Parent Teacher Conferences
  • May 3-9 – Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Working on getting our Board together for next year – half have been filled
  • Battle of the Bands – still trying to schedule a time during Advisory for the 2 bands to play – outside judges will be coming – winner will go on to the Canyons Battle of the Bands


IV. Counselng Corner (Callie Bjerregaard, 10 min)

  • We are in the middle of 10th Grade Plan CCRs – Career Interest inventory focus as well as choosing classes which will help with future career goals
  • We are in the middle of course selections for our 2300 students for next year
  • Our groups with Social Worker are going to begin again – Mindfulness, Social, Anxiety
  • ACT Registration is going on now – Juniors will take it on March 3rd.
  • Communication has been sent out regarding Modified Schedule for ACT Day


V. Mid-Year Progress Report (CSIP) (Brian McGill, 15 min) (Brian was out sick so Kelli Miller filled in for him)

  • Academic Goals – (1) Raising Literacy Score; (2) ACT scores – nothing new from last update because we haven’t taken the ACT yet; (3) Maintain 89% Graduation Rates; (4) ASPIRE Testing Data (new test for us, we gave it last year for the first time, and we will give it again this Spring) – ASPIRE is mostly ACT practice, but have added a few additional questions to make sure it covers the Utah Core.
  • Early Warning System – used and implemented to look at students who need help getting back on track – Attendance, Office Disciplinary Reports, Suspensions, Fs & Ds, and GPA
  • School Climate Goals – (1) Have at least 75% of Alta faculty demonstrate a 4 to 1 positive to corrective ratio on their CTESS classroom observations – 90% of our teachers this year are highly effective of 3 to 1 – many of our teachers are giving lots of feedback; (2) Increase Hawk Medallion senior recipients by 10% – in 2019 there were 97 students out of 475 who received the award (20.4%); (3) Establish the required supports to support a fully functioning MTSS – our Check and Connect Aides are one of several of these resources which help students who are struggling; (4) Monitor and increase the number of students earning the Advanced and Honors Diplomas and the number who participate in Honors, AP, CE, and Step2TheU university courses. Maintain a 90% graduation rate and the number of Regents’ Scholarship qualifiers – in 2019 33.9% earned Honors Diploma and 34.9% earned Advanced Diplomas – in 2019 17.7% earned the Regents Scholarship – in 2019 28% of students took at least 1 AP Exam


VI. Draft of TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) (Brian McGill, 20 min) (Brian was out sick so Kelli Miller filled in for him)

  • Funding supported by TSSA (Teacher Student Success Act) and LandTrust
  • Used to be CSIP (closely tied to LandTrust funds) – now is TSSA (tied to LandTrust AND TSSA funds)
  • Some of the money allocations are firm and some allocations are flexible
  • Literacy Goal; STEAM Goal; School Culture Goal; College and Career Readiness Goal
  • Proposed dollar amounts attached to each goal
  • Literacy Goal – (1) Raise SRI Lexile scores by 7-10% from fall to spring assessment (three assessments); (2) READ 180- Reading Intervention Platform ad Curriculum; (3) ELL/504 Coordinator … Attached Funds – Teacher (FTE-lower class sizes as needed) – $35,000; READ 180 – Reading Intervention – $3,000; Professional Development – $25,000; Social Studies Colloquiums – $5,000; ELL Coordinator – $30,000
  • STEAM Goal – (1) Maintain our current percentile of students scoring on math and science ACT benchmarks at 30% over next three years; (2) Continue to build and support our FIRST Robotics Team, Engineering Pathway, and expand our Health/Medical Sciences Pathway … Attached Funds – After School Tutoring (Math, Science, and ACT – $10,000; Personnel Medical/Health Sciences Teacher (with benefits) – $80,000; HOSA (Health Sciences) Competition Supports – $5,000; FIRST Robotics Competition Entry Fees – $10,000; Professional Development – $10,000
  • School Culture and Climate, MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) and PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports) Goal – (1) Have 80% of all Alta faculty demonstrate a 4 to 1 positive feedback ratio on CTESS, and each teacher complete two full feedback loop sequences per 20 minute observation; (2) Increase student SOAR card recipients by 10%; (3) 20% of students earning the Hawk Medallion award each year ; (4) Earn an 80% score on our annual school culture and climate; (5) Maintain an effective MTSS with a check and connect mentor sstem, and appropriate Responses to Intervention for all faculty members; (6) Social, Emotional, and Mental Health learning supports (including and suicide prevention/intervention); (7) Lowering counselor to student ratios; (8) Support grade level “Advisory Leads” to support ongoing soft-skills (motivation, resilience, study skills, time management, test taking strategies, and ACT Prep) with our ongoing Advisory Class; (9) Provide mental health supports by bringing on a full-time LCSW, with half the funding coming from the district … Attached Funds – MTSS Supports (Check and Connect Mentors) – $20,000; MTSS Supports (Advisory, Link Crew, and Hope Squad – $15,000; 1.5 FTE Counselor (with benefits) – $130,000; .5 FTE Licensed Clinical Social Worker (with benefits) – $40,000
  • College and Career Readiness (CCR) Goal – (1) Step2TheU Summer Cohort 2020; (2) Provide Aspire test and assess outcomes (new assessment measure); (3) Advanced and Honors Diplomas (monitors number of students taking advanced coursework during high school); (4) Regents’ Scholarship qualifiers; (5) USHE post-secondary enrollment, retention, and graduation rates; (6) Maintain at least a 90% high school graduation rate; (7) AP, CE, and Step2TheU Participation … Attached Funds – Step2TheU Cohort (early college pathway in partnership with the UofU) – $60,000
  • Approximate 19-20 LandTrust & TSSA Total – $478,000
  • Cell Tower Funding: Personnel/FTE to decrease class sizes as needed – $30,000
  • Cell Tower Funding to purchase 3 Chromebook Carts with 40 Chromebooks – $36,000
  • At our next meeting we will do an initial vote on how we use the money. SCC members advised to look it over more carefully and respond with any questions or feedback before our next meeting.

VII. Other Items

  • Ron Strohm and Robotics group (11 students) gave a presentation of their robots – 2 teams who participate in competitions – 120 lb robots – each must shoot foam balls and have a lifting mechanism to climb up a bar
  • Two competitions – Utah Regional and Idaho Regional
  • Each competition is $5,000. This year they received a grant through NASA for $5,000


Motion to Adjourn – Jim Jensen
Second – Chet Linton
Meeting adjourned

Next SCC Meeting:  Monday, March 16, 2020 @ 3:00 pm, Hawk House Gallery (TSSP Vote)